Boil-out Liquid Alkaline Cleaner


Boil-out Liquid Alkaline Cleaner

Pre-cleaning is recommended to remove oil and grease remaining from fabrication of new equipment. If new systems are not cleaned and flushed properly, the system can experience fluctuation in water levels and cause unwanted down time and corroision. Corrosion is a primarily phenomenon in which the metal surface hosts a network of galvanic cells. In the presence of water, there is a tendency for ions to go into solution at the anode, resulting in hydrogen being released at the cathode.

This creates an electrochemical potential which promotes iron corrosion. When sufficient oxygen is present, these reactions are accelerated in a process described as depolarization. In the absence of adequate scavenging, the various forms of iron oxide are converted to hematite. “Pitting” is an especially distressing condition which quickly destroys the integrity of a metal. Within a pit, iron contributes to reactions that form black iron oxide. If the process were to stop here, the coating could provide good protection. But the process goes on with a continuing formation of ferric hydroxide. As the temperature of the water rises, more oxygen leaves the solution, no equilibrium is reached or magnetic coating formed, and corrosion continues until the oxygen is exhausted.

BOIL OUT LIQUID is a chemical cleaning compound for the treatment and flushing of hot and chilled water piping, and condenser water systems. It works to remove loose muck including iron oxide, silica, oil, grease and debris but be ensure that burner mouth and air heater area is dry.

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