oxygen scavenger

Oxygen Scavenger BL 104  (Hydrazine)

NSF Registration No.136848
Complies with 21 C.F.R. 173.310 for use in FDA – Regulated Plants

BL 104 is a concentrated solution of hydrazine that contains organic catalyst to accelerate the reaction rate in removing dissolved oxygen in the feed water, even at low temperature.

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Oxygen Scavenger BL 102 (Liquid-typed)

NSF Registration No.136848
Complies with 21 C.F.R. 173.310 for use in FDA – Regulated Plants

BL 102 Oxygen Scavenger is a liquid blend of bisulfite, catalyzed with special catalytic agents to
assure maximum rate of chemical reaction. It could be used in the boilers of pressure up to 450psig.

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